BrianPansky Wiki

I outline my idea for a website here.

But those ideas didn't come to me randomly.  They are intended to work in a certain way to solve many of the problems I see online (and offline too).

Obviously I think it would help with stuff like Social Inefficiencies and Maximizing Information Processing Division of Labor.  But it might help if I can clearly outline how it's supposed to work here.


Trolls can hopefully be eliminated entirely using trust aggregation.  I outlined this solution here.  Basically, trust aggregation plus easy tools to create and share whitelists and blocklists, equals:  pretty soon the act of trolling people (who don't wish to be trolled) will become too much work.

Productivity in Disagreements

Time and energy could be saved by:

  • allowing crowd-source collaboration on the creation of reason chains
  • easily aggregating trusted work to reduce duplication of labor
  • removing the need to package info in a presentation format
  • verifying logical syllogisms to drive the conversation towards underlying premises, and facts
  • (verifying logic can include user-defined words, thus preventing mere semantic issues)
  • having tools to calculate Bayesian reasoning